
We rely on the generosity of volunteers who help us fulfill our mission of serving those in need.

New Covenant Center


Contact the New Covenat Center Volunteer Coordinator, Teazia Vincent at tvincent@ccfc-ct.org.

Thomas Merton Family Center


Contact the Thomas Merton Family Center Volunteer Coordinator, Karen Frissora at kfrissora@ccfc-ct.org.

Morning Glory Breakfast Program


To volunteer at Morning Glory, please contact Tamara Espinal at tespinal@ccfc-ct.org.

Stay connected with us on social media!

Volunteer Stories

Fesslers Awarded for Transformative Service at New Covenant Center

Fesslers Awarded for Transformative Service at New Covenant Center

ary Beth and Bill Fessler, longtime volunteers and pillars of the New Covenant Center community, were recently honored with the Founder’s Award. Their journey of service began nearly 15 years ago, sparked by a simple act of kindness: organizing a monthly serving day for the Order of Malta.

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