Thomas Merton Family Center Wish Lists

The Thomas Merton Family Center is a program of Catholic Charities of Fairfield County. We serve ~350 meals a day –  breakfast & lunch on week days. Showers are open to guests twice a week. TMFC provides guests with a mailing address to receive Social Security, EBT and medical cards. A registered guest can receive up to 5 days of nutritious food for meals from our food pantry each month. Case managers provide individual assistance and partner with other agencies based on  needs of the guest. Vocational services, ESL classes, and more will be offered soon.

Food Pantry Wish List

Pantry Market Wish List:
Full size large cereal boxes
Individual oatmeal packets, assorted flavors
Rice – large family size packages
Boxed pasta
Tortilla or soft taco shells
Canned tuna or other canned meats
Apple sauce cups or fruit cups
Granola bars
Peanut Butter
Individual serving bags of chips or cookies

Industrial Kitchen Wish List

Industrial Kitchen Wish List:
Oatmeal – 1 or 2 lb. packages
Grits – 1 or 2 lb. packages
Rice – large 20 or 25 lb packages
Spam/corn beef in can
Boxed pasta
Tortilla or soft taco shells (largest packages available)
Cooking oil – Largest available
Apple sauce cups or fruit cups

Shower Program Toiletry Bag Contents
Toiletry Bag Contents for TMFC Shower Program 1 travel size hair shampoo 1 travel size hair conditioner 1 travel size body wash 1 deodorant 1 travel size shaving cream * 1 disposable razor 1 toothbrush (individually packaged please) 1 small container toothpaste Please, only travel size items. We cannot distribute full size bottles to our guests. *Nice to have but can use body wash for shaving if need to.
1406 State Street, Bridgeport, CT 06605 Call: 203-367-9036 to coordinate drop off Drop off hours: Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.