Community Support Program

Bethel (Greater Danbury area)

The Catholic Charities Community Support Program is funded by the Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services (DMHAS) and is contracted to provide skill building and life skill services to adults with psychiatric disabilities in the Greater Danbury area. Our services are trauma sensitive and culturally competent. The program teaches, coaches & educates clients in the community. We provide support & advocacy on behalf of the client when needs change or are not being met.  Some of the services and resources obtained include: skill building, social integration into the community, entitlements disability benefits, housing, clinical connections, medical treatment, substance abuse treatment, employment support, education & rehabilitation services. 


  • The program works with clients face to face in the community, natural settings and their homes.
  • We develop individualized recovery plans formulated by the clients themselves on goal setting, personal empowerment, socialization, independent living skills with a focus on quality of life.
  • The program teaches, coaches, educates and provides support & advocacy on behalf of the client.
  • In addition to one on one support, we also offer support through groups, classes and community based activities.
  • Clients self-determine their care with the program and are active participants.
  • Clients build relationships with natural supports, family, and friends and in the community.
  • Clients reach personal goals and benchmarks of learning through practice and support.
  • Clients are empowered to “graduate” from the program with sustained life skills.

Who to Contact

Charlie Coretto
(203) 748-0848 ext. 226
Fax: (203) 796-0046

Request our services through the Western Connecticut Mental Health Network: (203) 448-3200.


24 Grassy Plain Street
Bethel, CT 06801

Program Hours

8:30 AM – 4:00 PM

After-hours appointments are scheduled as needed.