Read through our FAQs to learn more about the services we provide.

How can I contact the housing programs?

Please call 2-1-1 for assistance.
Referrals for our housing programs are made through 2-1-1.

Do your programs provide immediate loans to pay bills?

No, the Family Loan Program assists working parents in obtaining small bank loans. The program is not for emergency needs or to pay bills.

Do you accept donations of clothing or furniture?

No, we do not currently accept donations of clothing or furniture. If you are looking to donate furniture, please contact The Daughters of Charity in Bridgeport (203-334-7000). If you are looking to donate clothing, please contact the Bridgeport Rescue Mission in Bridgeport (203-333-4087).

Who can I contact for assistance with immigration?

Please call the appointment line at 203-416-1322.

Is there anyone I can speak with in Spanish?

Please call 203-416-1322 to be assisted in Spanish.

I am a housing client, how do I get in touch with my Case Manager?

If you are a housing client, please make sure you exchange phone numbers with your Case Manager.

Do I need to be Catholic to receive services, volunteer or work at Catholic Charities?

No. Our clients, volunteers, and staff are of a variety of religious denominations.

I sent a monetary donation and have not received my acknowledgment receipt, who do I contact?

Please contact Shaye Anne McCormick, (475) 225-6371 or smccormick@ccfc-ct.org.

Who do I contact for parenting classes?

Parenting classes are offered through Behavioral Health for divorcing parents. Please contact Charlie Coretto, ccoretto@ccfc-ct.org.

Who do I contact for mental health services?

Please contact Charlie Coretto, ccoretto@ccfc-ct.org.

I am an adult adoptee can I get my original birth certificate from Catholic Charities?
No. Catholic Charities is not authorized to release original birth certificates to adult adoptees. You can request a copy through the state of Connecticut’s government portal. 

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