Our Team – New Covenant Center

Executive Director
John Gutman

John Gutman has been Executive Director of New Covenant Center since November, 2014.  He oversees a staff of 10 full-time and four part-time, along with 500 volunteers, that feed and provide other social services to 4,750 individuals each year.  John has overall responsibility for the 365-day operation and works with his 12-person Advisory Council to raise over $1,300,000 annually to continue providing the programs and services required to help put New Covenant’s guests and clients on a better path.  John has held marketing and intellectual property management positions at the National Basketball Association, NBC and King Broadcasting.  He started volunteering with his family at New Covenant in 2003.

Contact: jgutman@ccfc-ct.org


Assistant Director
Betsy López

Betsy Lopez is the Assistant Director, head of Program Operations who is responsible for the smooth and orderly function of New Covenant Center’s daily operations.  She is directly accountable for all kitchen food purchasing, office and maintenance supply ordering, oversees program operations of the soup kitchen, food pantry, barber shop and shower program.  Betsy reports to the Executive Director and has seven direct reports. Betsy has been with NCCenter 13 years.

Contact: blopez@ccfc-ct.org


Development & Community Engagement Manager
Leisa Hinds Simpson

Leisa Hinds Simpson is in her sixth year at New Covenant Center and transitioned from a corporate setting to non profit management.  Her responsibilities include building and cultivating relationships with current and new donors focusing on both corporate and individuals. She is also involved in bringing major partnerships such as Girl Scouts of CT, Saint Joseph Parenting Center and The Undies Project to collaborate on hunger initiatives. Leisa works closely with guests/clients to assist with finding employment and providing referrals to other agencies.

Contact: lhinds-simpson@ccfc-ct.org


Volunteer Coordinator
Teazia Vincent

Teazia Vincent started as Volunteer Coordinator in February, 2024. Her responsibilities include working with all interested people and groups in Stamford and surrounding communities in providing them with volunteer opportunities at New Covenant Center. Currently, around 600 volunteers, give their time in our daily Soup Kitchen/Café and Food Pantry, as well as supporting many other human and social services that our Center provides. Teazia’s background includes over 10 years of nonprofit experience which includes: early childhood education, program support and volunteer supervision.

Contact: tvincent@ccfc-ct.org