New Heights

Danbury (Greater Danbury)

New Heights is a wellness and recovery center for adults with mental health concerns. We offer support in every aspect of emotional and physical wellness and provide opportunities for people to connect with each other. We use a strengths based, recovery oriented approach that fuses cultural competency and trauma sensitivity. Our members are our driving force behind all of our programming and often assist with classes and groups.



  • Our DMHAS funded, holistic programming includes classes such as Interpersonal Skills, Assorted Games, Dual Diagnosis and Tae Kwan Do.
  • From on site gatherings to outside excursions, we promote community activities that enrich our members’ lives.
  • Our facility has computers available where people can enhance their personal skills, job search, create resumes, or access social media.
  • We assist people with connecting to resources and services.
  • A snack bar is open daily.

Who to Contact

Main #: (203) 794-0819
Fax #: (203) 731-3260

Jeffrey Umansky
[email protected]


64 West Street
Danbury, CT 06810
Mailing address
24 Grassy Plain Street
Bethel, CT 06801

Program Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
9:00AM – 5:00 PM

10:00 AM – 2:00 PM


Opinion: Taking mental health out of the shadows

Opinion: Taking mental health out of the shadows

Mental health, often stigmatized and misunderstood, has long been marginalized in conversations about overall well-being. Yet, it affects us all, either directly or indirectly. The necessity to prioritize mental health care is indisputable and long overdue.

A ‘new outlook’ on mental health

A ‘new outlook’ on mental health

Catholic Charities has introduced its “New Outlook” program to provide a holistic and comprehensive approach to mental health care, with services that cater to individuals, families, and groups.

Let’s Start Something New

Say Hello!